Learn html divspan codes and tags using the sample below.
Html divspan
This code has been enhanced to help you see what's going on in the preview below.
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
.override {
font: normal 10pt serif;
background-color: #00CCFF;
font: bold 24pt sans-serif;
background-color: #FFCCCC;
<DIV CLASS="override">
<H1>Heading Level <SPAN>One</SPAN></H1>
<SMALL>Small text</SMALL>
<H1>Heading Level <SPAN CLASS="override">One</SPAN></H1>
<SMALL>Small text</SMALL>
Heading Level One
Small text
Heading Level One
Small text
These are just a part of the formatting tools that replace the <FONT>tag</FONT>.
- A division is block level (like headings and paragraphs), a span is inline (like bold and italics).
- You cannot "see" a division or span in a browser, except through style sheet formatting.
- The style attributes of a division should override all standard HTML tag characteristics in between <DIV> tags; except when a style sheet definition for a specific tag found between the <DIV> tags has already been defined.
- A .class style definition can add to, or override, any style previously defined for the <TAG> itself.
Because of style sheets, you now have many more options available to you; including background colors, borders, even background images under specific lines of text!
Html divspan source code
Html divspan tutorial
Html divspan code on this is provided for your study purpose, it will guide you to know how create and design a website using html. use it to practice and train your self online
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Html tutorial guide and web design in easy steps
Beginners guide to html
Html tag
object meta ul paragraph table dl bdo insdel checkbox fieldset ascii code anchor nobr blockquote textformat divspan abbracro ssi q css form ol address image