PHP 5 provides a way for objects to be defined so it is possible to iterate
through a list of items, with, for example a foreach statement. By default,
all visible properties will be used
for the iteration.
Example 19-20. Simple Object Iteration
<?php class MyClass { public $var1 = 'value 1'; public $var2 = 'value 2'; public $var3 = 'value 3';
MyClass::iterateVisible: var1 => value 1 var2 => value 2 var3 => value 3 protected => protected var private => private var
As the output shows, the foreach iterated through all
visible variables that can be
accessed. To take it a step further you can implement one
of PHP 5's internal interface named
Iterator. This allows the object to decide what and how
the object will be iterated.
Example 19-21. Object Iteration implementing Iterator
<?php class MyIterator implements Iterator { private $var = array();
public function __construct($array) { if (is_array($array)) { $this->var = $array; } }
public function rewind() { echo "rewinding\n"; reset($this->var); }
public function current() { $var = current($this->var); echo "current: $var\n"; return $var; }
public function key() { $var = key($this->var); echo "key: $var\n"; return $var; }
public function next() { $var = next($this->var); echo "next: $var\n"; return $var; }
public function valid() { $var = $this->current() !== false; echo "valid: {$var}\n"; return $var; } }
$values = array(1,2,3); $it = new MyIterator($values);
You can also define your class so that it doesn't have to define
all the Iterator functions by simply implementing
the PHP 5 IteratorAggregate interface.
Example 19-22. Object Iteration implementing IteratorAggregate
rewinding current: value 1 valid: 1 current: value 1 key: 0 key/value: [0 -> value 1]
next: value 2 current: value 2 valid: 1 current: value 2 key: 1 key/value: [1 -> value 2]
next: value 3 current: value 3 valid: 1 current: value 3 key: 2 key/value: [2 -> value 3]
next: current: valid:
For more examples of iterators, see the
SPL Extension.
Php language.oop5.iterations Function syntax tag
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