Many random number generators of older libcs have dubious or
unknown characteristics and are slow. By default, PHP uses the
libc random number generator with the rand()
function. The mt_rand() function is a drop-in
replacement for this. It uses a random number generator with
known characteristics using the
Mersenne Twister, which will produce random numbers four times
faster than what the average libc rand() provides.
If called without the optional min,
max arguments mt_rand()
returns a pseudo-random value between 0 and
RAND_MAX. If you want a random number
between 5 and 15 (inclusive), for example, use mt_rand
(5, 15).
The above example will output
something similar to:
Note: As of PHP 4.2.0, there is no need
to seed the random number generator with srand() or
mt_srand() as this is now done automatically.
In versions before 3.0.7 the meaning of
max was range. To
get the same results in these versions the short example should
be mt_rand (5, 11) to get a random number
between 5 and 15.
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Php mt rand syntax tutorial
php tutorial guide and code design are for easy learning and programming. The code practice section provided at the top is for practising of this syntax. Use the code section up to practice your php programming online. Learning php is very easy, all you need is to use the examples on this site and practice them to perfect your skills.