Searches haystack for
needle and returns the key if it is found in
the array, FALSE otherwise.
If needle is a string, the comparison is done
in a case-sensitive manner.
Prior to PHP 4.2.0, array_search() returns
NULL on failure instead of FALSE.
If the optional third parameter strict is set to
TRUE then the array_search()
will also check the types of the needle
in the haystack.
If needle is found in
haystack more than once, the first matching key
is returned. To return the keys for all matching values, use
array_keys() with the optional
search_value parameter instead.
This function may
return Boolean FALSE, but may also return a non-Boolean value which
evaluates to FALSE, such as 0 or
"". Please read the section on Booleans for more
information. Use the ===
operator for testing the return value of this
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Php array search syntax tutorial
php tutorial guide and code design are for easy learning and programming. The code practice section provided at the top is for practising of this syntax. Use the code section up to practice your php programming online. Learning php is very easy, all you need is to use the examples on this site and practice them to perfect your skills.